Example Applet -- Alignment is ABSMIDDLE

<P>Here is an applet. It has two parameters -- speed and message. <APPLET CODE="jumping.class" tppabs="http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/htmlguid/jumping.class" xcodbase=jclasses WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=400 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE HSPACE=10 VSPACE=20> <PARAM NAME=message VALUE="Use Netscape Navigator to browse the world wide web."> <PARAM NAME=speed VALUE="4"> </APPLET> Its alignment is ABSMIDDLE. </P>

Here is an applet. It has two parameters -- speed and message. Its alignment is ABSMIDDLE.

Example Applet -- Alignment is RIGHT

<P> <APPLET CODE="jumping.class" tppabs="http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/htmlguid/jumping.class" xcodbase=jclasses WIDTH="80%" HEIGHT="70%" ALIGN=RIGHT HSPACE=10 > <PARAM NAME=message VALUE="Netscape Netcaster is the perfect tool for broadcasting information updates across your intranet."> <PARAM NAME=speed VALUE="2"> </APPLET> <P>Here is an another instance of the same applet, but it has a different speed and a different message. Its alignment is RIGHT. </P>

Here is an another instance of the same applet, but it has a different speed and a different message. Its alignment is RIGHT.

The Java source for the applet.