Lecture 4. Cryptography I: Conventional Encryption

Cryptography is the art and science (and maybe engineering, too) of keeping information secure. Cryptanalysis is the opposite of cryptography, and together are they called cryptology.

Major cryptographic operations are encryption and decryption, which can be illustrated:

            encryption key               decryption key
                  |                            |
                  V                            V
plaintext   +------------+  ciphertext   +------------+  original
----------> | encryption | ------------> | decryption | ----------->
            +------------+               +------------+  plaintext 

In most cryptosystems, the decryption key is the same as the encryption key and those systems are called symmetric or conventional cryptosystems, and such systems may be dated back to Julius Caesar's days. The other type of cryptosystem is called the public-key cryptosystem, in which the decryption key is different from the encryption key and it is intractable to compute one from the other. The first public-key cryptography was described by W. Diffie and M. Hellman in 1976, which can be used to exchange secret keys rather than to encrypt bulky data. Other public-key algorithms such as RSA and Knapsack soon followed.

In conventional cryptosystems, the encryption keys should be kept secret and hence the keys are often called the secret keys. In public-key cryptosystems, the encryption key can be made public so that anyone can use the key to encrypt messages, but only the person with the corresponding decryption key can decrypt the messages, and hence encryption keys and decryption keys are called public keys and private keys.

This lecture presents Conventional Encryption, and we'll look at Public-key Cryptography later.

We'll start with some of the classical ciphers, and see how they affected the development of modern symmetric encryption algorithms. We'll then look at the most widely used data encryption algorithm: Data Encryption Standard (DES). Algorithmic details, characteristics, design considerations, possible attacks, and the applications of DES will be discussed. Next, we'll look at some other symmetric algorithms: IDEA, RC5, Blowfish.


  1. Simple ciphers and cipher design criteria

  2. Data Encryption Standard (DES)

  3. Other block ciphers

1. Simple ciphers and cipher design criteria

Substitution Transposition Desirable properties of ciphers

2. Data Encryption Standard (DES)



DES algorithm

DES design considerations

Attacks on DES (Is DES safe?)

DES applications

3. Other block ciphers

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)

RC5 (Rivest Cipher 5)



Block Ciphers (Chapter 7 of Handbook of Applied Cryptography, in PostScript)

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Development Effort