Lecture 5. UNIX Passwords and Password Crackers

UNIX Password

1. Password File

On the UNIX platform, all user login IDs and passwords are stored in a central location -- /etc/passwd. The format of this file contains various fields:
account:coded password data:uid:gid:GCOS-field:homedir:shell

<sample portion of  /etc/passwd>
kimoh:lEqsEB4g0QrNM:165:102:Kyong-ock Kim:/user3/grad/kimoh:/bin/csh
hjmoon:jh0eFHV54ZAco:161:102:Moon Hyun Jeong:/user3/grad/hjmoon:/bin/csh
ijbyun:ayKWDaPpMLq32:169:102:Byun Im Joo:/user3/grad/ijbyun:/bin/csh
ghimsj:PyIN/caDgwiHw:171:102:Ghim Soo Joong:/user3/grad/ghimsj:/bin/csh

To find more details about /etc/passwd, type "man -s 4 passwd" in cs machine.

The /etc/passwd file is open to general public, which is often exploited by crackers. Many systems adopt the shadowfile: all coded password data is replaced with a `*' or 'x' in /etc/passwd, and a second file /etc/shadow (the shadowfile) is used to store the password data. This file can only be read with sufficient privileges so that normal users cannot get the crypted passwords. Its format is:

To find more details about /etc/shadow, type "man shadow" in cs machine.
<sample portion of  /etc/passwd  and  /etc/shadow>

kimoh:x:165:102:Kyong-ock Kim:/user3/grad/kimoh:/bin/csh
hjmoon:x:161:102:Moon Hyun Jeong:/user3/grad/hjmoon:/bin/csh
ijbyun:x:169:102:Byun Im Joo:/user3/grad/ijbyun:/bin/csh
ghimsj:x:171:102:Ghim Soo Joong:/user3/grad/ghimsj:/bin/csh


2. UNIX Password Format

13 bytes of plain ASCII characters:
          2 bytes for base 64 encoding of 12-bit salt
        11 bytes for base 64 encoding of 64-bit DES output

12-bit salt is randomly generated when a new password is submitted.

base 64 (or Radix-64) encoding:

one of the ASCII encoding methods of binary data, which converts each 6-bit in the binary data into one of the 64 printable characters [A-Za-z0-9+/]
0~25: A-Z
26~51: a-z
52~61: 0-9
62,63 : +,/
padding symbol: =

3. UNIX Password Encryption Algorithm

(1) Generation of the encrypted password
obtain a password from the user;
generate a 12-bit salt;
adjust E-table in DES using salt;
data <- 64 bits of 0s;
repeat the following 25 times
    data <- modified-DES(data, password as key);
encoded-password-data <- base64encode(salt || data);
store login-id and encoded-password-data in /etc/passwd;
(2) Checking the password at user login
obtain the login-id and password from a user;
lookup login-id in /etc/passwd,
          and get encoded-password-data;
convert the first two bytes of encoded-password-data into salt;
adjust E-table in DES using salt;
data <- 64 bits of 0s;
repeat the following 25 times
    data <- modified-DES(data, password as key);
computed-password-data <- base64encode(salt || data)
compare computed-password-data and encoded-password-data;
if failed, give some delay;
(3) Why do they add  salt? Why 25 times?      Question (4) UNIX crypt(3C)
UNIX library function
char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);
adjust E-table in DES using salt;
data <- 64 bits of 0s;
repeat the following 25 times
    data <- modified-DES(data, password as key);
encoded-password-data <- base64encode(salt || data);

The Password-Cracking or Password-Guessing Process

  1. The Mechanics of Password Cracking
The process works as follows:
  1. You obtain a dictionary file, which is really no more than a flat file (plain text) list of words (these are commonly referred to as wordlists).
  2. These words are fed through any number of programs that encrypt each word. Such encryption conforms to the DES standard.
  3. Each resulting encrypted word is compared with the target password. If a match occurs, there is better than a 90 percent chance that the password was cracked.
2. Word Composition Rules 3. Word Lists

The UNIX Password Crackers

1. Crack by Alec Muffett (crack-4.1.tar.gz, crack-5.0.tar.gz) 2. CrackerJack by Jackal
CrackerJack is a renowned UNIX password cracker designed expressly for the DOS platform.

Other Types of Password Crackers

  1. ZipCrack by Michael A. Quinlan (zipcrk10.zip)
cracks the password on files generated with PKZIP.
2. Decrypt by Gabriel Fineman (decrypt.zip)
breaks WordPerfect passwords.
3. Glide (Author Unknown: http://www.iaehv.nl/users/rvdpeet/unrelate/glide.zip)
This program is used exclusively to crack PWL files, which are password files generated in Microsoft Windows for Workgroups and later versions of Windows.
4. AMI Decode (Author Unknown: amidecod.zip)
The AMI Decode utility is designed expressly to grab the CMOS password from any machine using an American Megatrends BIOS. The factory-default CMOS password is often AMI
5. NetCrack by James O'Kane (netcrack.zip)
NetCrack is an interesting utility for use on the Novell NetWare platform. It applies a brute-force attack.
6. PGPCrack by Mark Miller
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is probably the strongest and most reliable encryption utility available to the public sector. PGP uses (typically long) passphrases instead of passwords as encryption key. But, poor users often use very short passwords. That is when PGPCrack is of use.
7. Password Cracker for Early Versions of HWP
  • unhwp.exe  for HWP 1.5 Encryption
  • code21.exe for HWP 2.1 Encryption

    Other Attacks on Passwords

    1. Sniffer

    2. Virtual Memory System

    3. WS_FTP

    4. SnadBoy's Revelation