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CloneCD To copy CDs including SubChannel Data from data/audio tracks
CDCopy To copy audio tracks from audio CD to Hard disk (copy the directory to your HDD)
NetXray To monitor network packets or to generate custom packets
SoftICE To Debug Windows applications (what debug is to DOS is SoftICE is to Windows)
Zero Administration Kit For Windows 98
clean_mail_2.53.tar.gz For Linux to clean oldmails of all users (since most users never bother to delete old mails, this is a very good utility)
apcupsd-3.5.8-1.i386.rpm APC UPS driver for Linux
Exploits1500 Exploits for many system
Fakecd.exe A directory can be Faked to OS as a CD Useful when Hard Disk glows and you have no idea which program accessing it. Same as above for NT
knmap-0.7.2.tar.gz NMap for KDE see below
nmap-2.53.tar NMap Network maping software for auditing network security
majordomo-1.94.4.tar.gz Major Domo the well known list server for linux
NTSwebadmin20_x86.exe Provide administration of remote NT systems via web browser
portsentry-1.0.tar.gz Watches and blocks ports, used to enhance security Remote Shell 16bit for Windows (like unix rshd) Remote Shell for Windows (like unix rshd)
uata66-d.exe To enable Ultra ATA 66 (by default HDDs ships with ATA-33 enabled) Yet Another Port Scanner to scan open ports
Uedit32i.exe Ultra Editor a good hex editor. Install its dictionary after UltraEdit. Small java based proxy server
spector.exe To keep snapshots of screen at predefined interval. To keep an watch on your kids activities.
ext2fsnt-0.4.rar To mount Linux partition on NT 4.0 To explore Linux Partition on NT 4.0
Novell Security Exploits
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