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This CD contains many boot images as indicated below :

  1. or  0.   Windows 98 (command prompt only)
  2. DOS v6.22 and you can type linux on DOS prompt to boot to linux
  3. Boots and loads drivers for external CD drive (shuttle interface) via printer port (LPT1). Tested on HP external CD drives.
  4. Boots and loads drivers for external MO drive via printer port (LPT1). Tested with Fujitsu DynaMO 640E. This image also has some network card drivers to connect to network.
  5. AMIDIAGS disk. Diagnostics programs for AMI BIOS. Reporting and some utilities may not work when booted through CD.
  6. SEATOOLS disk. This is a bootable disk from Seagate for testing Hard Disk drives. (may not boot from CD in some systems)
  7. Boot to Linux (may not work on all systems)
  8. QNXDEMO - A tiny realtime OS with GUI.
  9. Windows NT Fault Tolerant Boot Disk. Very useful for repairing corrupted NT system.

You can create the boot disks from its images. Format a floppy disk and then use rawrite utility. Enter image file name and destination drive name.

Registering Personal Domain Name for Free

You want to register your domain name for FREE and absolutely free. How?

Step 1.        Goto to verify if the domain name is available

Step 2.        Goto enter your details and submit

Step 3.         You will receive an email with a link for confirmation. Confirm by clicking on the link.

Step 4.         You will receive a welcome email with password for controlling your domain.

Step 5.         Open account in any free webspace servers like (Ads free site)

Step 6.         Transfer you webpages to webserver (selected in step 5)

Step 7.        Login to NameZero and appropriately set redirection of www channel to your site url of crosswinds.


For details of setting up email account (NameZero provides unlimited aliases) refer to their site FAQ.

You can see my site at . I was late so someone already taken You can send emails to me at , you can put whatever you like before @ e.g. or or even

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Just open the page and see the output

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