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Inauguration Session1 Special session Session2 Session3 Session4 Panel Discussion


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Session Details    (powerpoint file)

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14th September 2000

Session I 11:15 am to 12:30 pm
Intranets & Network Security

Chair: Debasis Pal

Intranets & Network Security: Our Experiences at NIO

Albert Gouveia, K. Singh, G. S. Navelkar, NIO, Goa

Intranet & Internet Security  

Byomkesh Dash, NML, Jamshedpur

CSIRNET – Plans & Vision of CSIR-HQ            (not presented)

Chandra Gupt, CSIR-HQ, New Delhi

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

Special Session on the status of IT facilities at various CSIR Labs

SERC (Chennai), IICB (Calcutta), CEERI (Pilani),  RRL (Bhubneswar), NML (Madras Centre), IICT (Hyderabad), NCL (Pune)


------ Lunch Break ------

Session II 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
MIS, e-commerce & e-management


Chair: Parthasarathy Dasgupta

e-Commerce: Emerging Trends

Debasis Pal, ICICI Infotech Services, Mumbai

e-Payment Systems: Enabling Technology For e-Commerce 8/p>

Ashis K. Pani, XLRI, Jamshedpur

Development of a Web Database System Using Database Integration Tools

Sheuli Hore, NML Jamshedpur

WEB-2000: A Page for Administration

P. V. V. Satyanarayana, NML

Development of DSS Using RSA for Web-enabled Applications

S. P. S. Saini, CEERI, New Delhi Complex

Electronic-Commerce: The Indian Perspective

Yogesh Suman, NISTADS, New Delhi

15th September 2000

Session III 9:30 am to 11:15 am
Recent Advances In Web Technologies
This Session sponsored by Sun Microsystems India Pvt. Ltd.

Chair: Swati Bhattacharyya

DotCom-ing The World

Chandan Haldar, Sun Microsystems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Advances in Web Technologies – An Overview

Byomkesh Dash, NML, Jamshedpur

------ Tea Break ------


Session IV 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Scientific Information Management & Electronic Journals


Chair: Chandan Haldar

Databases and Datawarehousing

Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.

Electronic Journals - Issues Related to Readers & Information Providers

Swati Bhattacharyya, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

A Sneak Preview of WebISTAD: ISTAD, CSIR's Portal on the Web (to view properly you may need to install TechSmith Codecs, click here to install)

Srinivas Bhogle, NAL, Bangalore, Rajendra Prasad, CSIR-HQ, New Delhi

Scientific India on the Net : Challenges ahead for Web Team CSIR

Vishwas Chavan (in absentia), National Chemical Laboratory,Pune 411 008, India

------ Lunch Break ------

Session V 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
CSIR Inc. On The Net (Panel Discussion)

Panel Discussion

Slides on background on begining of the discussion Slide1 Slide2

Slide during discussion (outcomes)

Draft Recommendations of WEB2000

List of participants

Other reference docs

Netiquette at NML

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