Praxiom Research Group Limited

Our Website has Won the following Quality Awards!

5 Star Rating by JP's Web! The Hats Off Award! Golden Bell Award!
Ravi's Elite Site Award! Health AtoZ Golden Poppy Award!
Award of Excellence! Great Site of the Day Award! Web Workshop Golden Globe Award!
The Jeff Hobrath Art Studio Web Award! King of the Jungle! Fly With Eagles Award!
The Best of the Web! Canuck's Choice Award! ABAS Cool Site Award!
Business Resource Hot Site Award! Cool Canuck Page Award! Aferg's Award for Webpage Excellence!
Petals of Life Award of Excellence! ZDPWeb Award of Excellence! Surfers Choice Award!
King of the Web! ProPlus Site Award from Caz! Wyld's Award of Excellence!
Best Business Site Design Gold Medal Award! Top 50 for 40 Weeks! Market-Tek Design Award!
Explorer Art Award!
We're very proud of these quality awards, and very grateful to all the people who've taken the time to review our website. Thanks to all of You, from Praxiom Research Group Limited.
ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English
This web page was first published on May 10, 1998
This web page was updated on April 21, 1999
Praxiom Research Group Limited
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