ISO 9004 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 9004 is a Quality Management and Quality System Development Guide
ISO 9004-1
ISO 9004-2
ISO 9004-3
ISO 9004-4

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ISO 9004-1 Translated into Plain English
Guidelines for Managing Quality System Elements

ISO 9004-2 Translated into Plain English
Guidelines for Managing the Quality of all types of Service Activities

ISO 9004-3 Translated into Plain English
Guidelines for Managing the Quality of all types of Processed Materials

ISO 9004-4 Translated into Plain English
Guidelines for Creating Quality Improvements

Our ISO 9000 Publications
This section summarizes the ISO 9004 guidelines. It highlights the main points. It does not present detail. If you need a detailed and complete interpretation of the ISO 9004 guidelines, please consider purchasing the following hardcopy versions. Notice that the ISO 9004 guidelines are included in Titles 5, 7 and 9.

Title 5: ISO 9000 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
Title 5 covers ISO 9000(1-2-3-4), ISO 9004(1-2-3-4),
ISO 10011(1-2-3), and ISO 10013
I want to order Title 5
I want to see ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013 before I order

Title 7: ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English
Title 7 covers ISO 9000(1-2-3-4), ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003,
ISO 9004(1-2-3-4), ISO 10011(1-2-3), and ISO 10013
I want to order Title 7
I want to see ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003 before I order
I want to see ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013 before I order

Title 9: The ISO 9004 Guide Translated into Plain English
Title 9 includes ISO 9004-1, ISO 9004-2, ISO 9004-3, and ISO 9004-4
I want to order Title 9
I want to see ISO 9004-1, ISO 9004-2, ISO 9004-3,
and ISO 9004-4 before I order

This web page was first published on May 25, 1997
This web page was updated on April 22, 1999
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ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English