ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English!

Our website introduces the ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013 quality standards, and presents three internal quality audit programs plus a quality system development plan.

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of the most 
popular ISO 9000 sites in the world! If you would like
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ISO 9000

ISO 9001

ISO 9002

ISO 9003

ISO 9004

ISO 10011

ISO 10013

to ISO 9000

ISO 9000

ISO 9000

ISO 9000

ISO 9000

The ISO 9000
Audit Standard

The ISO 9000
Service Standard

The ISO 9000
Software Standard

Our ISO 9000
Quality System
Development Plan

Our ISO 9000 Audit Programs

Our ISO 9001
Internal Audit

Our ISO 9002
Internal Audit

Our ISO 9003
Internal Audit

Our ISO 9000
Programs and

Our Quality

Our Quality

Our Link

How to Order
our Programs
and Publications

How to
Contact Us

ISO 9000 is rapidly becoming the most
popular quality standard in the world.
Thousands of organizations have already
adopted this important standard, and many
more are in the process of doing so.

ISO 9000 applies to all types of organizations. It doesn't matter what size they are or what they do. It can help both product and service oriented organizations achieve standards of quality that are recognized and respected throughout the world.

Here's how ISO 9000 works. You decide that you need to develop a quality system that meets the ISO 9000 standards. You choose to follow this path because you feel the need to control the quality of your products and services, to reduce the costs associated with poor quality, or to become more competitive. Or, you choose this path simply because your customers expect you to do so or because a regulatory body has made it mandatory.

You then develop a quality system that
meets the quality
requirements specified
by one of the following three standards:
ISO 9001, ISO 9002, or ISO 9003. In the
course of doing so, you also consider ISO's
guidelines. These guidelines include
ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013.

Once your ISO 9000 quality system has been
developed and implemented, you carry
out an 
internal audit to make sure your
system is working properly.

Then you invite an accredited ISO 9000
external auditor (registrar) to evaluate the effectiveness of your quality system. If your auditors like what they see, they will certify that your quality system has met all of ISO's requirements. They will then issue an official certificate to you, and they will record your achievement in their registry. You can then announce to the world that the quality of your products and services is managed, controlled, and assured by a registered ISO 9000 quality system.

This website discusses the ISO 9000 quality standards. It discusses ISO's requirements and guidelines.

ISO's requirements include ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003. And ISO's guidelines include ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013. For the benefit of those who appreciate clarity, we have translated ISO's requirements and guidelines into plain English.

Since ISO wants you to meet their
requirements and to follow their guidelines
by developing a quality system, we have
created a
Quality System Development Plan.
If you need to implement ISO 9000, this plan will help you do it.

Once you've implemented ISO 9000, you
can't stop there. You also have to audit
your quality system. To help you out,
we've developed the following three
Internal Quality Audit Programs: ISO 9001 Internal Audit Program ISO 9002 Internal Audit Program ISO 9003 Internal Audit Program

Finally, if you're serious about ISO 9000, you'll also need to understand the big picture.
In order to help you out, we've
defined ISO's concepts using ordinary English, and we've developed a simple theoretical framework that explains what ISO 9000 is all about.

As you can see, our ISO 9000 website covers a lot of ground. So please have a look around. We believe you'll like what you find.

Overview of ISO's Quality Requirements
ISO 9001 ISO 9001 is a quality assurance model made up of quality system requirements. ISO 9001 is for organizations that design, develop, produce, install, and service products.
GO TO ISO 9001
ISO 9002 ISO 9002 is a quality assurance model made up of quality system requirements. ISO 9002 is for organizations that produce, install, and service products (but do not design them).
GO TO ISO 9002
ISO 9003 ISO 9003 is a quality assurance model made up of quality system requirements. ISO 9003 is for organizations that assure quality through final inspection and testing.
GO TO ISO 9003

Overview of ISO's Quality Guidelines
ISO 8402 ISO 8402 is a glossary of quality definitions.
GO TO ISO 8402
ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is a quality management and quality assurance guide.
GO TO ISO 9000
ISO 9000-1 ISO 9000-1 is a guide for selecting and using ISO concepts and publications.
GO TO ISO 9000-1
ISO 9000-2 ISO 9000-2 is a guide for applying the ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003 standards.
GO TO ISO 9000-2
ISO 9000-3 ISO 9000-3 is a guide for applying the ISO 9001 standard to software products.
GO TO ISO 9000-3
ISO 9000-4 ISO 9000-4 is a guide for designing and managing product dependability programs.
GO TO ISO 9000-4
ISO 9004 ISO 9004 is a quality management and quality system development guide.
GO TO ISO 9004
ISO 9004-1 ISO 9004-1 is a guide for managing quality system elements.
GO TO ISO 9004-1
ISO 9004-2 ISO 9004-2 is a guide for managing the quality of all types of service activities.
GO TO ISO 9004-2
ISO 9004-3 ISO 9004-3 is a guide for managing the quality of all types of processed materials.
GO TO ISO 9004-3
ISO 9004-4 ISO 9004-4 is a guide for creating quality improvements.
GO TO ISO 9004-4
ISO 10011 ISO 10011 is a quality system auditing guide.
GO TO ISO 10011
ISO 10011-1 ISO 10011-1 is a guide for planning and performing audits.
GO TO ISO 10011-1
ISO 10011-2 ISO 10011-2 is a guide for selecting quality auditors.
GO TO ISO 10011-2
ISO 10011-3 ISO 10011-3 is a guide for managing quality audit programs.
GO TO ISO 10011-3
ISO 10013 ISO 10013 is quality manual development guide.
GO TO ISO 10013

Our ISO 9000 Programs and Publications

Title 1: How to Develop a Quality System Using ISO 9000
A Conceptual Overview of ISO 9000
ISO 9001 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9001 is for Organizations that Design, Develop, Produce, Install, and Service Products
ISO 9002 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9002 is for Organizations that Produce, Install, and Service Products
ISO 9003 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9003 is for Organizations that Assure Quality through Final Inspection and Testing
ISO 9000 Quality System Development Plan
ISO 9001 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9002 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9003 Requirements Translated into Plain English
An Overview of our Quality System Development Plan
To order Title 1, please use our ORDER FORM

Title 2: ISO 9001 Internal Audit Program
This publication presents an internal audit program that
meets all of the requirements specified by ISO 9001, and follows the
guidelines described in ISO 10011 (ISO 10011-1, ISO 10011-2, ISO 10011-3).
Title 2 is available in electronic form (Word 97 for Windows 95/98/NT).
Title 2 is also available in hardcopy form (three-ring binder).
You may copy or customize our ISO 9001 Internal Audit Program.
You may make as many copies as you need to carry out audits at one site or location.
You may
customize our Program to meet your unique needs and circumstances.
An Overview of our ISO 9001 Audit Program
To order Title 2, please use our ORDER FORM

Title 3: ISO 9002 Internal Audit Program
This publication presents an internal audit program that
meets all of the requirements specified by ISO 9002, and follows the
guidelines described in ISO 10011 (ISO 10011-1, ISO 10011-2, ISO 10011-3).
Title 3 is available in electronic form (Word 97 for Windows 95/98/NT).
Title 3 is also available in hardcopy form (three-ring binder).
You may copy or customize our ISO 9002 Internal Audit Program.
You may make as many copies as you need to carry out audits at one site or location.
You may
customize our Program to meet your unique needs and circumstances.
An Overview of our ISO 9002 Audit Program
To order Title 3, please use our ORDER FORM

Title 4: ISO 9003 Internal Audit Program
This publication presents an internal audit program that
meets all of the requirements specified by ISO 9003, and follows the
guidelines described in ISO 10011 (ISO 10011-1, ISO 10011-2, ISO 10011-3).
Title 4 is available in electronic form (Word 97 for Windows 95/98/NT).
Title 4 is also available in hardcopy form (three-ring binder).
You may copy or customize our ISO 9003 Internal Audit Program.
You may make as many copies as you need to carry out audits at one site or location.
You may
customize our Program to meet your unique needs and circumstances.
An Overview of our ISO 9003 Audit Program
To order Title 4, please use our ORDER FORM

Title 5: ISO 9000 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 9000 Definitions Translated into Plain English
ISO 9000 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 9000 is a Quality Management and Quality Assurance Guide
ISO 9000-1 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Using ISO Concepts and Publications
ISO 9000-2 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Applying ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003
ISO 9000-3 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Applying the ISO 9001 Standard to the Software Sector
ISO 9000-4 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Designing and Managing Product Dependability Programs
ISO 9004 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 9004 is a Quality Management and Quality System Development Guide
ISO 9004-1 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Managing Quality System Elements
ISO 9004-2 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Managing the Quality of all types of Service Activities
ISO 9004-3 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Managing the Quality of all types of Processed Materials
ISO 9004-4 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Creating Quality Improvements
ISO 10011 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 10011 is a Quality System Auditing Guide
ISO 10011-1 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Planning and Performing Audits
ISO 10011-2 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Selecting Quality Auditors
ISO 10011-3 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Managing Quality Audit Programs
ISO 10013 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 10013 is a Quality Manual Development Guide
ISO 9000 Definitions Translated into Plain English
ISO 9000 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 9004 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 10011 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 10013 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
To order Title 5, please use our ORDER FORM

Title 6: ISO 9000 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9001 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9001 is for Organizations that Design, Develop, Produce, Install, and Service Products
ISO 9002 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9002 is for Organizations that Produce, Install, and Service Products
ISO 9003 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9003 is for Organizations that Assure Quality through Final Inspection and Testing
ISO 9001 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9002 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9003 Requirements Translated into Plain English
To order Title 6, please use our ORDER FORM

Title 7: ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English
ISO 9001 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9001 is for Organizations that Design, Develop, Produce, Install, and Service Products
ISO 9002 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9002 is for Organizations that Produce, Install, and Service Products
ISO 9003 Requirements Translated into Plain English
ISO 9003 is for Organizations that Assure Quality through Final Inspection and Testing
ISO 9000 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 9000 is a Quality Management and Quality Assurance Guide
ISO 9000-1 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Using ISO Concepts and Publications
ISO 9000-2 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Applying ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003
ISO 9000-3 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Applying the ISO 9001 Standard to the Software Sector
ISO 9000-4 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Designing and Managing Product Dependability Programs
ISO 9004 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
ISO 9004 is a Quality Management and Quality System Development Guide
ISO 9004-1 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Managing Quality System Elements
ISO 9004-2 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
These are Guidelines for Managing the Quality of all types of Service Activities
ISO 9004-3