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Indian Tax System Income Tax Department, Delhi,India  
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Advance Ruling



With a view to remove any confusion and to avoid disputes in respect of determination of the income tax liability of a non resident or of such specified class or category of residents as are notified by the Central Government, a procedure of Advance Rulings has been brought on statute by way of incorporating Chapter XIX-B in the Income Tax Act, 1961 w.e.f. 1.6.1993. Initially the provisions applied only to a non-resident but w.e.f. 1.10.98 specified categories of residents can also avail of this scheme.

In the case of the non-residents, the authority for advance tax enables them to obtain, in advance, a binding ruling on the issues that could arise in determining their tax liabilities.Therefore, time consuming and expensive legal disputes can, thus, be avoided. The Authority is empowered to determine any question of law or of fact as specified in the application made before it in respect of a transaction which has been undertaken or is proposed to be undertaken by a non-resident.

The Authority, in the case of a resident assessee, is empowered to make any decision in respect of an assessment which is pending before any Income Tax Authority or the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal and includes decision on any question of law or of fact which arises out of the orders of assessment.

The detailed procedures for obtaining an advance ruling are contained in Authority for Advance Ruling (Procedure) Rules, 1996. Top


The advance ruling is required to be pronounced by an authority known as the Authority for Advance Rulings, consisting of a Chairman, who is a retired Judge of the Supreme Court and two members of the rank of an Additional Secretary to the Government of India, one each from the Indian Revenue Service and the Indian Legal Service. Top


The applicant may seek advance ruling by making an application to the authority in the prescribed form and manner.

Preparation and presentation of application

  • The application, in quadruplicate, should be presented in the prescribed form (Form No. 34C, 34D or 34E) by the applicant in person or by an authorised representative to the Secretary, Authority for Advance Ruling or to any other Officer notified by the Secretary in writing or can be sent by registered post and should be verified in the manner indicated therein.
  • The application and the accompanying annexures may be neatly typed on one side of plain paper of A-4 size (210 X 297mm) leaving a minimum margin of 30mm on all the four sides and may be duly indexed .
  • Only photocopies of the documents on A-4 size may be enclosed with the application except when a document cannot be legibly reduced to A-4 size on photocopier and, in the latter case , it should be folded to A-4 size.
  • All copies of the application along with annexures and documents may have loose sheets stapled on the left hand corner. These copies need not be in the form of paper books.
  • If the applicant is not assessed to tax in India, he may indicate this in Annexure-I to the application giving details of :
    • his head office in a country other than India; and
    • place in India where his office and residence are located or are likely to be located.
  • The question(s) of law or fact on which advance ruling is sought may be stated clearly in the application.

Signing of Application

The application, its verification and the annexures, statements and documents accompanying it, are required to be signed in the manner set out in Rule 44E (2) of the Income Tax Rules, 1962. Where a person signing the application and other documents claims to have been duly authorised to do so, the application must include a power of attorney authorising him to sign and must append an affidavit setting out the unavoidable reason which entitles him to sign the same.

Authorised Representative

The applicant is entitled to represent his case before the Authority either personally or through an authorised representative. If the applicant desires to be represented by an authorised representative, a duly authenticated document authorising him to appear for the applicant should be enclosed.

Payment of Fee

The application should be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 2,500 (two thousand five hundred Indian rupees) through a bank draft drawn in favour of the 'Authority for Advance Rulings' payable at New Delhi.

Withdrawal of application

The applicant may withdraw his application within 30 days from the date of filing the application. Top


  • Helps non residents in planning their income tax affairs well in advance.
  • Helps specified residents to get a binding ruling for their tax matters pending before any Income Tax Authority or the Tribunal.
  • Brings certainty in determinination of the tax liability.
  • Help in avoiding long drawn and expensive litigation.
  • It is inexpensive, expeditious and binding.


1. The scheme of Advance Ruling enables a non resident to seek advance ruling from the authority by following the prescribed procedure. Prescribed form, Form 34C

2. Certain categories of 'Residents' as notified in circular dated 21.6.99 namely :-

  • A Public Sector company as defined in clause 2 of the Income-tax Act. Prescribed form, Form 34E; and
  • A Person seeking Advance ruling in relation to the tax liability of a non-resident arising out of a transaction undertaken by him with a non-resident. Prescribed form, Form 34D


  • Under the existing provision of the Income Tax Act, 1961(Section 6) the taxable entities are broadly divided into three groups, viz. , Individual , Company and all other persons such as Hindu Undivided Family , Firm, Association of Persons, etc.
  • These taxable entities are divided into three categories depending upon their residential status. These categories are :-
    • Resident,
    • Resident but not ordinary resident and
    • Non - Resident
  • As already explained above, the benefit of seeking advance ruling is now also available to certain residents :-

    An individual is a ' resident ' in any previous year:

    1. If he has been in India during the previous year for 182 days or more.

    2. If the individual (not being one of the categories mentioned in para 3 below ) has been in India during the previous year for less than 182 days but has been in India for an aggregate of 365 days or more in the four years preceding the previous year and his stay in India during the previous year is 60 days or more.

    3. The categories of person mentioned above are :

    a) a citizen of India who has left India during the previous year as a member of the crew of an Indian Ship or for the purpose of employment outside India, and

    b) a citizen of India or a person of Indian origin* who, being outside India, has come to India on a visit during the previous year.

    4. Persons falling under para 3 are resident only if their stay in India during the previous year is 182 days or more even where the duration of their stay in India during the earlier four years is 365 days or more.

    * A person of Indian origin is one if he, or either of his parents or any of his grand parents, was born in undivided India.

    Individual, who are not resident in accordance with the above, are treated as non resident under the Income Tax Act.

    • COMPANY :
    • A company is a non resident if it is neither an Indian company nor a company the control and management of whose affairs during the previous year, is situated wholly in India.


      Every other person is a non resident if, during a previous year, the control and management of its affairs is wholly situated outside India. In respect of any source of income in any previous year, he shall be deemed to be resident in India in respect of his other sources of income in the previous year.



The advance ruling can be sought on any question of law or the fact specified in the application in relation to a transaction that has been undertaken, or is proposed to be undertaken, by the non resident applicant. In the case of a resident assessees the advance ruling can be sought in relation to an assessment which is pending before any Income Tax Authority or the Tribunal and includes decision on question of law or fact arising out of such orders.

However, non-residents are not allowed to seek an advance ruling in the following cases :-

  • Where the question raised in the application is already pending in the case of the applicant before any income tax authority, the Appellate Tribunal or any court; or
  • Where the question raised in the application involves determination of fair market value of any property; or
  • Where the question raised in the application relates to a transaction which is designed prima facie for avoidance of income tax.

The advance ruling is required to be pronounced by the authority within six months of the receipt of a valid application.


Advance ruling pronounced by the authority is binding in respect of the transaction(s) in relation to which ruling has been sought:

  • on the Commissioner and the income tax authorities subordinate to him in respect of the applicant: and
  • on the applicant who had sought it.


The contents of the application would not be disclosed to unauthorised persons.



  • Website : http://www.nic.in/finmin/new/intax.htm
  • Fax No. 0091-11-611 3407
  • E-Mail : avipra@del2.vsnl.net.in
  • Mail to: The Additional Commissioner of Income Tax,
    Authority for Advance Ruling,
    5th Floor, NDMC Building,
    Yashwant Place , Satya Marg, Chanakya Puri,
    New Delhi-110021 INDIA.

    For assistance, the above Additional Commissioner of Income Tax may be contacted personally or on Telephone between 11 A.M. And 1 P.M. on any working day.

  • Phone Nos. 0091-11-611 7802, 0091-11-611 7935
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