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Income-tax Act, 1961, as other Direct Tax Laws, contain provisions which provide for self-contained machinery provisions enabling tax payers to file appeals against orders which affect their tax liability. Such orders are enumerated in section 246 of the Act. The fist appeal lies before the Commissioners (Appeals) and the second appeal lies with the Appellate Tribunal.

The Commissioners (Appeals) are senior officers of the department who have been allowed full independence to adjudicate any tax matters without any interference from the administrative ministry. The Appellate Tribunal functions under the Ministry of Law and has several benches in major cities of the country. Normally, a bench of the Appellate Tribunal would have one Accountant Member, who may be a former officer of the Indian Revenue Service or a Chartered Accountant and one Judicial Member who may be a former Judge of the rank of District Judge or an Advocate or a senior member of Indian Legal Service.

Appeal procedure

  • Any taxpayer aggrieved by the adjustments to the returned income in the intimation sent to him or by the order of assessment, penalty or rectification by an Assessing Officer can file first appeal before Commissioner (Appeals),
  • There is a prescribed form for filing the appeal (Form No.35). Prescribed fee is required to be paid before filing of appeal. The form should be signed by the assessee. The grounds of appeals and the statement of facts are also required to be filed along with Memorandum of Appeal.
  • Appeal must be filed within thirty days from the date of receipt of the relevant order. In appropriate cases where the delay is for good reasons, Commissioner(Appeals) can condone the delay.
  • The appeal is admitted for hearing only if at the time of filing of appeal the assessee has paid the tax due on income returned.
  • Once the appeal is filed, it can be withdrawn only with the permission of appellate authority.
  • Normally the assesee cannot file the additional evidence or evidence not led in before the assessing officer before Commissioner (Appeals). In case where the appellate authority wants to admit this additional evidence, an opportunity to examine this is given by the authority to the assessing officer.
  • Commissioner (Appeals) have also power of enhancing the assessed income or penalty.
  • Commissioner (Appeals) can remand a case to an Assessing Officer to inquire and furnish a report on a specified matter.
  • Commissioner (Appeals) makes a reasoned order in writing after giving opportunity for hearing to the appellant and the assessing officer.
  • In respect of cases under Wealth tax act, appeal to Commissioner(Appeals) lies where the assessed net wealth is over Rs. 15 lakhs or the appellant is a company. Appeal is required to be filed in Form No. E of Wealth Tax Rules.



Where as a result of search initiated after 30.6.1995 and before 1st January, 1997, the Assessing Officer makes an order determining the undisclosed income of the block period and the assessee is aggrieved, he can file an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal within 30 days from the date of receiving the order.

In respect of search initiated on or after January 1, 1997, Commissione of Income Tax (Appeals) is the first appellate authority against block assessment orders or penalty for under declaration of undisclosed income in the return of income for the block period. In these cases second appeal will lie to the Tribunal.




An assessee aggrieved by the orders of the Commissioner (Appeals) can file further appeal to the Appellate Tribunal. He can also file appeal with the Tribunal against the order of revision or rectification prejudicial to him made by Commissioner of Income-tax.

The appeal is required to be filed in the prescribed Form No. 36. the form under Wealth-tax and Gift tax Rules are F&H respectively.

A fee Rs. 1,500/- is required to be paid for the appeal to the Tribunal where the assessed total income of the assessee is more than one lakh rupees. Where it is Rs. 1 lakh or less, the fee required to be paid is Rs. 250/- . For appeals under Wealth-tax Act the fee is Rs. 200/-.

The appeal has to be filed within sixty days from the date of receiving the relevant order.

The Memorandum of appeal should be accompanied by grounds of appeal, statement of facts and a paper book containing the relevant orders and statement, documents referred to in the order and proposed to be relied upon at the time of hearing of the appeal.

Normally a bench of the Tribunal consisting of one Judicial Member and one Accountant Member hears and decides appeals. The cases where the total income assessed does not exceed one lakh rupees may be heard and decided by a single Member.

The assessing officer, not satisfied with the order of the first appellate authority, may also file an appeal with the Tribunal upon an authorisation from the Commissioner.

Where the assessee has not filed an appeal and the Department does, the assessee may file a cross objection within thirty days of the receipt of the notice of departmental appeal. The cross objection is required to be filed in Form No. 36A. No fee is required to be paid by the assessee for filing the cross objection before the Tribunal.


Until 1.10.1998, the assessee or the Commissioner could file a reference to the High Court on any question of law arising from the order of the Tribunal and the High Court, in an advisory capacity, would dispose of the reference by answering the question in the affirmative or in the negative on the basis of the Statement of Facts drawn up by the Tribunal.

The Finance Act, 1998 has introduced a new provision whereby a direct appeal would lie to the High Court from all orders passed by the Appellate tribunal on or after 1.10.1998. The jurisdictional High Court will have the discretion to admit the appeal if any substantial question of law is involved. The procedure for filing the appeal would be the same as prescribed in the Civil Procedure Code subject to any rules framed in this regard by the High Court. The appeal must be filed within 120 days of the receipt of the order by the assessee or by the Commissioner.


Where there is a conflict in the decision of High Courts in respect of any particular question of law, the Appellate Tribunal may draw up a statement of case and refer it through its President direct to the Supreme Court for its opinion.

If the assessee is not satisfied with the decision given by the High Court on a question of law referred to it, he may file an appeal before the Supreme Court against the judgment of the High Court. Such appeal can only be filed before the Supreme Court if the High Court certifies it be a fit case for appeal to the Supreme Court. The application before the High Court for certificate of fitness should be filed within 60 days.

Where High Court refuses to grant such a certificate, the assessee can under Article 136 of the constitution file a Special Leave Petition before the Supreme Court. If the Special Leave to appeal is granted, the Supreme Court will hear and decide the appeal on merits.

After the Supreme Court decides the issue, the Tribunal will revise its order in conformity with the order of the Supreme Court.

The procedure outlined above in regard to appeals under the Income-tax Act applies mutatis mutandis to appeals under Wealth tax and Gift tax Act as well.


With a view to avoiding disputes in respect of assessment of Income Tax liability of non residents the Income Tax provides that a non resident assessee can apply to authority for advance ruling and obtain a ruling in advance in respect of the transaction specified by the non resident. This ruling is binding on the Income Tax authorities and the non resident who seeks the ruling in respect of that transaction.

The non resident seeking the advance ruling should make an application in Form No. 34C along with a fee of Rs. 2500/- (Rs. Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) through a bank draft in favour of the ' Authority for Advance Rulings' payable at New Delhi.



India has entered into double taxation avoidance agreements with several countries. If a foreign tax payer is aggrieved by the tax authorities, under these agreements he can present his case to the competent authority which is Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), Joint Secretary, Foreign Tax Division, North Block, New Delhi. The time limit for making reference to the competent authority is three from the taxation complained against. This course is available to a foreign tax payer in addition to normal appellate forums in respect of assessment orders.


Orders of the appropriate Authority for pre-emptive purchase of immovable property are final and no appeal is provided against these orders.


In view of the elaborate appellate system provided under Direct Tax Laws, the jurisdiction of Civil Courts is barred. No suits can be filed an any court against the order made under the Direct Tax Laws. This however does not curtail the original writ jurisdiction of High Court or of the Supreme Court under the constitution of India. Top

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