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Indian Tax System Income Tax Department, Delhi, India  
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Heads of Income


Capital Gains

Special provision of capital gains

Provisions relating to depreciable assets

In section 50 and 50A of the Income Tax Act special provisions have been made to determine the cost of acquisition in case of a depreciable asset. Where the capital asset forms part of a block of asset in respect of which depreciation has been allowed under the Income Tax Act, the cost of acquisition is calculated as under:-

i) where the full value of consideration received in respect of the capital asset transferred together with the full value of consideration received in respect of any other capital asset falling within the same block of asset during the previous year exceeds the total of the three sums listed below, the difference is taxable as short term capital gain. The sums are:-

  • written down value of the block of asset at the beginning of the previous year.
  • actual cost of any new asset falling within the same block of asset and which was acquired during the previous year.
  • the expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively in connection with such transfer or transfers.
ii) If all the assets in the block of assets are transferred the cost of acquisition of the block of assets is taken as the aggregate of the written down value of the block of assets as at the beginning of the previous year plus the actual cost of any asset falling in the block of assets acquired during the previous year.

It has been provided in the Act that in case of any asset on which the assessee has claimed depreciation in any previous year, the cost of acquisition of such asset shall always be the written down value of the asset. Where any capital asset was subject to negotiations for transfer and the assessee had received any advance or other money in respect of such negotiations, the written down value of the asset shall be reduced by the advance money or sum received and retained by the assessee. Top

Cost of acquisition if advance money is retained

Where any capital asset was subject to negotiations for transfer and the assessee had received any advance or other money in respect of such negotiations, the cost of acquisition of asset or the written down value or the fair market value of the asset shall be reduced by the advance money or sum received and retained by the assessee.

Cost of acquisition in case of certain securities

Where any person had any beneficial interest in any securities during the previous year covered by the provisions of the Depositories Act ,1996, then the profit and loss on transfer of such securities shall be covered under the provisions of capital gains in the hands of the beneficiary owner and not in the hands of the registered owner or the depository. In such cases the cost of acquisition and the period of holding of any security is determinable on the basis of first-in-first-out method. Top

Capital gains in special cases of compulsory acquisition

Where in respect of a transfer of a capital asset on account of compulsory acquisition under any law or in respect of a transfer whose consideration is determined or approved by the Central Government or by the Reserve Bank of India and in which case the consideration is enhanced or further enhanced by any court, tribunal or authority, the capital gains is dealt in the manner below:-

i) With reference to the compensation awarded in the first instance as the capital gains of the previous year in which such compensation or part thereof was first received.

ii) the subsequently enhanced compensation or consideration shall be deemed to be income chargeable as capital gain of the previous year in which such income is received by the assessee and in such cases the cost of acquisition and the cost of improvement shall be taken as nil.

In case of the death of the transferor or if for any reason the enhanced compensation or consideration is received by any other person then the capital gains will be attributed to such other person. Top

Reference to valuation officer

In the case of transfer of the capital assets ,the capital assets can be referred to the Valuation Cell of the Department in order to ascertain the fair market value in the following cases:-

i) where the assessee furnishes a value of an asset in accordance with the estimate made by a registered valuer and where the assessing officer is of the opinion that the value declared is less than the fair market value.

ii) where the assessing officer is of the opinion that the fair market value of the asset exceeds the value of the asset by more than Rupees 25000 or 15% of the value claimed by the assessee, whichever is less.

iii) where the assessing officer is of the opinion that having regard to the nature of the asset and in view of the relevant circumstances, it is necessary to do so.


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