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Indian Tax System Income Tax Department, Delhi, India  
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Heads of Income


Income under the head of Salaries :

Deductions from salary income

The income under the head 'salaries' is computed after making certain deductions from the gross salary income of the taxpayer. These deductions are standard deduction, entertainment allowance and professional tax. Besides this, the tax rebate to the persons having salary income is also allowed. This tax rebate is provided under Section 88 of the Income Tax Act.


Standard Deduction

  • All salaried employees are granted a standard deduction from their gross salary income.
  • For the Assessment Year 1998-99 the standard deduction in case of all the salaried persons is 33.33% of gross salary or Rs.20,000/- whichever is less.
  • From the Assessment Year 1999-2000 the standard deduction for persons having salary income shall be:
  • Where the salary income of a taxpayer after allowing deduction for entertainment allowance and professional tax does not increase more than Rs. 100,000/- (One Hundred Thousand), the standard deduction is restricted to 1/3 rd of the salary or Rs. 25,000/- whichever is less.
  • Where the salary exceeds Rs. 100,000/- but does not exceed Rs. 500,000/- (Five Hundred Thousand) the standard deduction shall be restricted to Rs.20,000/-.
  • Where the salary income exceeds Rs. 500,000/- the standard deduction shall be NIL.
  • Standard deduction is even allowed from pensions received by a person. It is also allowed from the family pensions received by the legal heirs of a deceased employee. Although, the family pension is taxable under the head ' income from other sources' the deduction is allowable under that head.

Deduction of entertainment allowance.




Professional Tax.

In India, the State Governments are authorised to levy and collect professional tax on any income earned by an individual. A deduction of sum paid by the taxpayer on account of professional tax is allowed as a deduction from the income of the individual. However, the deduction is allowed in the year in which the tax is actually paid by the individual.



Rebate under Section 88 of the Income Tax Act


  • Under Section 88 of the Income Tax Act is available to an individual or to an Hindu Undivided Family. This tax rebate is allowed @20% of the specified payments subject to a maximum limit of Rs.12,000/- of tax payable by the taxpayer. The maximum payment that can be invested in specified saving schemes is restricted to Rs.60,000/-
  • However, if an individual or an HUF invests in eligible shares or debentures a higher limit of qualifying investment of Rs.70,000/- shall be available as against Rs.60,000/- in normal case. Here the tax payer has to invest only in specified shares or debentures for claiming a tax rebate of Rs.14,000/-.
  • Eligible issue of capital means an issue made by a public company formed and registered in India and the issue is wholly and exclusively for the purposes of developing, maintaining and operating an infrastructure facility or for generating and distributing power.
  • Subscription to any units or any mutual fund, referred to in clause (23D)of sec.10 of the Income Tax Act and approved by the Central Board of Direct Taxes.
  • Rebate u/s 88 is allowed only when the specified payments have been made out of the income chargeable to tax. If the payment is made out of any income which is exempt from tax, no rebate shall be allowed.
  • The rebate is allowed only when the specified amount has been actually paid during the previous year.



Tax rebates for Authors, Playwrights, Artists etc.:


The Income Tax Act provides for higher tax rebate of 25% of the gross qualifying amount of Rs.60,000/- to individuals whose income is derived from the exercise of profession as authors, playwrights, artists, musicians, actors or sportsmen, including athletes. These individuals are eligible for tax rebates at the enhanced rate of 25% but the overall rebate is limited to a maximum of Rs.17,500/-. In other words the gross qualifying amount would be Rs. 70,000/-. The maximum limit in the case of such persons cannot be increased beyond Rs.70,000/- even if such persons make investments in specified shares or debentures for the purposes of developing, maintaining and operating an infrastructure facility or for generating and distributing power.


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